臺北市政府衛生局 » 塑化劑污染專區

起雲劑常見問答 DEHP FAQ


ONE. what is DEHP?

答: DEHP為塑膠製品常用之ㄧ種塑化劑,無色、無味的液體。因可作為食物包材、血袋、橡膠管、化粧品及玩具的原料,所以一般的塑膠製品中通常可發現少量DEHP存在。
colorless, odorless liquid.
used for food products, blood bags, rubber tubes, cosmetics, and toys.
most plastic products contain a minimum level of of DEHP.

TWO. what is a clouding agent?

答: 起雲劑是一種合法的食品添加物,幫助食品的乳化,常添加在運動飲料及果凍,但也可能能用於優酪乳粉末等食品。
legal food product additive

helps food products to coagulate
often found in sports drinks, jellos, and possibly yogurt drinks, etc.


THREE. does all clouding agents contain DEHP?

答: 不是的。合法的起雲劑不會使用DEHP,除非不肖業者為了降低成本及增加產品穩定性等原因,而惡意以DEHP取代合法的食品添加物。
no, legal clouding agents do not contain DEHP.

in order to lower costs and stabilize products, corrupt companies replace their products with illegal DEHP-contained clouding agents.


FOUR. do we usually consume DEHP?

答: 1.是的。因為DEHP用途廣,使得各國在工業上大量製造,因而對環境造成不小的汙染,DEHP可透過飲水、食物鏈等途徑而被我們攝入體內

1. yes.
DEHP can be absorbed into our bodies through the food chain.

2.依據各國包括英國、美國、瑞典、加拿大、日本、韓國及我國相關研究與調查結果,顯示透過飲食而攝入DEHP之情形普遍存在,國人每日自食物攝入DEHP的量約為1.029 mg

2. studies show that taiwanese nationals consume an average of 1.029 mg of DEHP daily through food products,


FIVE. will DEHP, consumed by food, be excreted from our bodies?

答: 1.會。此種塑化劑如果進入人體,大部分的DEHP及其代謝物會經人體的代謝途徑如尿液及糞便排出體外。

1. yes.
most DEHP and other waste products will be excreted.


2. lab results on monkeys should that DEHP and other waste products mostly will excrete out of bodies within 24~48 hours.


SIX. how is DEHP poisonous?

答: 1.DEHP對動物的急性毒性低,在高劑量時會影響大鼠的生育系統與提高發生肝臟腫瘤之機率,但對人類影響為何,目前還未有科學證據證明

1. at high dosages, it's found to affect the reproductive system and increase chances of kidney tumors in lab rats.
there is yet scientific proof on the effect of humans. 


2. DEHP is categorized as a type 2B carcinogen, but research on humans is still inefficient.


3. it's a type of environmental hormone.
it affects the normal function of our endocrine system.


SEVEN. what's environmental hormone?


1. substances from the environment that affect our endocrine system.

2. 一些人工合成化學物質所造成的環境污染後,透過食物鏈再回到我們身體(或其他生物体內),它可以模擬體內的天然荷爾蒙干擾荷爾蒙作用, 最基本的生理調節機能,又環境荷爾蒙化學污染物可經由母乳傳給下一代,因此環境荷爾蒙可能會影響生物體的生殖機能與發育

2. when man-made chemical substances pollutes the environment, it can be absorbed into our bodies through the food chain.
it can mimic our natural hormones, affecting its normal functions.
it can be passed on from mothers to her offsprings, thereby affecting its reproductive system and growth.


EIGHT. how is the local taiwanese government regulating DEHP?

答: 1.我國環保署已於88年公告將DEHP列為第四類毒性化學物質予以列管

1. the department of health listed DEHP as a 4th class poisonous substance since 1999. 

2.衛生署亦參照國際間對食品塑膠包裝之管理規範,於99年11月22日公告修正「食品器具容器包裝衛生標準」,增訂塑膠類中DEHP之溶出限量標準為1.5 ppm以下,而食品中則不得添加DEHP

2. in 2000 december 22nd, the department of health listed standards stating that the DEHP found in food packaging has to be below 1.5 ppm and that no food products may contain DEHP.


NINE. how will you proceed with the outbreak?

答: 已責令負責廠商停止生產「起雲劑」,並陸續清查涉案起雲劑及其所供貨之下游產品,經確認者均要求下架封存定時發布最新訊息
lawfully stopped all productions of clouding agents.

investigate all products and by-products that may contain clouding agents.
products are de-shelved and confiscated.
will update lists and news regularly.


TEN. what will you do with the contaminated products?

答: 遭DEHP污染之起雲劑或食品,可比照一般事業廢棄物處理方式進行銷毀,目前我國合格處理廠商共4家,如下:
1. 倫鼎股份有限公司,台北市士林區中山北路6段89號10樓
2. 九九峰企業有限公司,台南市永康區鹽行里中正二街436號
3. 綠大實業股份有限公司,高雄市岡山區本工五路11號
4. 鈺辰企業股份有限公司,高雄市三民區泰安街58號

clouding agents and food products found with DEHP will be destroyed by four accredited waste product companies.


ELEVEN.  what do i do with the problematic products i bought?

答: 1.行政院消費者保護委員會已要求通路經銷商將問題產品下架回收並無條件接受退貨,並請地方消保官受理消費者申訴。

1.  consumer protection commission has ordered all shops to unconditionally de-shelf and accept returns of DEHP-contained products.


2. it there are any disputes, consumers can appeal to local consumer services or call 1950 the consumer service hotline.


3. consumer protection commission has listed regulations for product recalls.

十二: 如想自行送驗,可以在哪裏進行檢驗?

TWELVE.  if there's a product i would like to be inspected, where and how can i do it?

答:1. 本局免費受理食品是否含塑化劑檢驗,時間:100年5/30~6/3及6/7~6/10上午10時至下午4時,地點:台北市12區健康服務中心、市府大樓 1樓聯合服務中心東區服務臺,相關資訊可上本局網頁(http://www.health.gov.tw)查詢。

1. the department of health is accepting food products to be inspected for DEHP free of charge. 
from may 30th to june 3rd, and june 7th to june 10th, 10am to 4pm.
at taipei city hall, 1st floor, east service counter.


2. consumers can also have their products tests at accredited labs.


THIRTEEN. are there a dedicated sources for info?

答: 1. 本局消費者服務專線:(02) 27208777,相關資訊亦可上本局網頁(http://www.health.gov.tw)查詢。

1. department of health's hotline is  (02) 27208777 and the website is http://www.health.gov.tw

2. 食品藥物管理局的消費者保護專線包括(02) 2787-8200~8208、0800285000(上午7時到下午11時),相關資訊亦可上該局網頁(http://www.fda.gov.tw)查詢。

2. food and drug admistration (FDA)'s consumer protection hotline is (02) 2787-8200~8208, 0800-285-000 (7am to 11pm).

website is http://www.fda.gov.tw

答: 會。此種塑化劑如果進入人體,絕大部分的DEHP及其代謝物在24~48小時內會隨尿液或糞便排出體外。

omit due to repetition


FIFTEEN. if i've consumed large amounts of DEHP products, should i get a blood or urine examination?  do hospitals have special clinics for this?

答: 1. 因為絕大部分的DEHP及其代謝物在24~48小時內會隨尿液或糞便排出體外,一般民眾不用擔心或特別去做檢驗

1. because most DEHP and by-products are excreted within 24 to 48 hours, most people should not be worried.

2. 本局所屬臺北市立聯合醫院提供免費塑化劑門診諮詢服務,請上臺北市立聯合醫院網站查詢。

2. all taipei public hospitals provide free DEHP clinic consultations.

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